My philosophy on the mat

Yoga goddess hip opener emotional release.PNG

“No pain no gain” is banned  

Number 1 rule in my yoga class is to be able to smile at any point, so if you are not able to, your body is probably not happy and this is not what we want! If you find yourself in a posture where it’s so unbearable you will just create new tensions which is not what we want. I will guide you to move in a way to release tensions so energy can be unlocked and circulate through your entire body. This then allows your body to rest and helps rebalancing everything during the final relaxation.  

What you can play with is discomfort and everyone will have a different tolerance and appetite for it, which makes every class a new discovery into yourself. 

My classes challenge you to find the balance between being on the edge of discomfort and relaxing the rest of the body. This is where the magic happens! 


Aesthetics adjustments are a heresy 

One of the biggest disclaimers I like to make in my class is a pretty basic statement but so crucial in Yoga: everyone is different. It does not mean that certain people cannot do Yoga. It just means we all do Yoga our way. We don't all have the same body structure, the same strength, the same flexibility. It would be silly to believe that our Yoga poses should look the same. Your body knows so much more about you than I do, and you should never try to copy your teacher but listen to the cues and find the posture that works for you, today. The key is to trust your body to find the postures that works for you rather than trying to force it into something which will not feel right. Conscious about everyone’s uniqueness, I always offer variations so everyone can tune into their body and find what works for them. 


Accept each day is a new day 

Always come to your mat with an open mind with this curiosity to tune into your body as it feels today. Practice without any expectation, be excited about what you are going to find, using each and every opportunity to dive deeper into who you are. And please be gentle to yourself and accept that some days will be challenging while others you will feel like flying. We are not machines (sometimes I feel like one!), one day, one practice, this is the beauty of it. 


Have fun! 

We are not here to suffer or struggle but to enjoy and have fun, life is stressful enough and Yoga is a great tool to move away from this constant achiever state and simply be.


My journey into yoga