My journey into yoga

I was born in Paris and grew up there. I was a fearless kid, never still, exploring and spending hours role playing in my room. 

Yoga focus grounded smiling.PNG


I studied Finance as I did not want to worry about anything and for some reason thought that money could solve anything. Paris is noisy, dirty and people are not always the nicest but there is this bucolic atmosphere which is home to me.  After graduating, I went to live in Singapore. I remember coming home and telling my mom, “I got the job I am going to live in Singapore”. Taking decisions was surprisingly easy.  

After two incredible years exploring South East Asia, I decided to come home as I missed my occidental lifestyle. I wanted to walk around the city, cross over anywhere I want and not get lost in big malls. I wanted to live in a country with 4 distinct seasons, and gosh it was too hot for me there!  


Back in Paris, I continued my career in Finance and had the opportunity to move to London a year after to keep working in the commodity space. This a quite a niche within the Finance world which makes you feel belonging to a family very quickly.

London story Yoga teacher


I instantly loved this city. People are so warm and welcoming, I was amazed by their kindness as for some reason the UK had always intimidated me. I mean, different currency, a Queen, sausages for breakfast…?!  At work I was in auto pilot mode, working long hours, climbing the corporate ladder with a good dose of daily stress and convinced that this was the way it’s supposed to be.  


Curious and boosted by new challenges, I went to my first Yoga class shortly after landing in London. It was a Yin class and I remember very well the challenge for me to hold poses for some time and stay still. But I also felt my body gradually unplugging and my mind slowing down which was a nice break for a hyperactive like me. I then started to attend regular beginners’ classes breaking down every asanas, learning the adjustments, the benefits and how to safely practice.

Yoga mat group class


Wildly active by nature, my journey with Yoga has not been love at first sight but I have gradually seen how this helped me balance a stressful life, and it became an eye-opener. 

Coming from the corporate world and having two young kids, Yoga is my escape to unplug from the craziness of my busy mind and reconnect with my body, listen to it, and move in a way to unwind any tension.  


Thanks to a regular yoga practice, I know how to rebalance my body when too much tension has accumulated, and stepping onto my mat makes my mind pause and rest which I am struggling to do otherwise. Thanks to a regular practice, I have learnt to stop reacting instantly to things around. I accept to step on my mat and let go of any potential outcome, and not expecting anything has helped me become more focused, patient and in peace with who I am.  


How to create a yoga routine and how to stick to it?


My philosophy on the mat