A unique method

A unique method

After spending 12 years in Investment Banking, I developed a coaching method where well-being is at the core of how I support my clients.

Whether you are a mum struggling with work-life balance, a business owner lacking clarity, or someone in a 9 to 5 wanting to change, I will help you find clarity on your goals, empower you to step into aligned actions and infuse well-being in your life so you can achieve what matters to you without burning out.

The why

I spent most of my life in hustle mode, so caught up in achieving things that I thought would make me feel content and fulfilled.

And I was not.

I was chasing a life that was not mine. I was seeking external validation because I was not connected to my inner world.

When you infuse well-being into a coaching relationship, it takes another level. You tap into the wisdom of your body where all of your memories and emotions are imprinted from where beliefs are formed. You start peeling off the layers, slowly coming back to you.

Coaching inside out also enables you to create pockets of calm necessary to take a step back, reflect and adjust the trajectory if needed.

No human body nor mind is wired to function well on overdrive. It is simply not sustainable.

Well-being can be at the core of everything you do. To give you that spark of energy and creativity or hold you tight when times are stressful.

 This is what I created for me and for all the clients I work with and this is why it is possible for you too.

As your coach, I will hold the space for you so you can tap into the mind-body connection to give you results that feel aligned in your gut and in your head.







Mindset . Strategy . Well-being .

Invitations to work together

  • 121 coaching

    A bespoke coaching container to help you identify your goals and desire and empower you to take aligned actions towards them while removing all the blocks. You get to finally have the life you always dreamt of

    Weekly coaching calls


    Ongoing support via Voxer to help you with any blocks along the way


    Access to my Wellness membership for free


    Wellbeing tips to achieve your goals without burning out

    Via application only

  • Built By You

    A space for you to get 90 min 121 coaching with ongoing support via Voxer as you implement change in your life and access to my virtual well-being platform for 1 month

    60 min coaching call

    1-month access to my WoW membership

    7-day Voxer support

    30 min coaching call

  • Women of Wellness membership

    Wellness has never been so easy, effortless and guilt-free. A safe space for women to learn how to infuse wellness in every aspect of their life and get inspired by each other.

    Monthly live calls to learn about a wellness topic


    New pre-recorded content is added every month to explore the topic further


    Option to add 121 coaching sessions if you want to dive deeper into what is keeping you stuck


    Access to Flow & Grow dedicated to movements and mindfulness practices

On your journey, you benefit from my experience as

  • An ex-Investment Banker

    who dealt with high pressure every day for 10 years

  • A mum of two toddlers

    who does her best to raise two young kids as mindful and confident human beings

  • A solo business owner

    dealing with energy/mood fluctuations every single day

  • Me, Maud

    a unique blend of French blood not afraid to say what I think if I know how powerful it can be for you, with a dose of the English sense of humour

Not sure what Mindset coaching is?

This free resource has been born from a deep desire to share the tools I have used for the past 10 years to step into a new path, build a 5-figure business by myself while raising two toddlers, and do it in a way that feels aligned in every cell of my body.

Those pillars are infused in every aspect of my life. They are infused in how I expand my business, coach my clients, show up in my relationships and raise my kids.

My clients' words

My clients' words ⋆